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Objection Handling

Duration: 35 minutes

Are you ready to master the art of effective objection handling at the workplace? Let's transform workplace challenges into opportunities for growth and success.


In today's dynamic and collaborative work environments, handling objections professionally is fundamental for success. This course will equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and practical techniques to confidently navigate objections and finesse. By the end of this course, you will be well-prepared to handle objections effectively, promote open communication, and contribute to the success of your workplace.

  • Understanding Workplace Objections
  • The Power of Effective Objection Handling
  • Identifying Common Workplace Objections
  • Unmasking Last Stage Objections
  • Handling Last-Stage Objections
  • Self-Confidence in Objection Handling
  • Effective Objection Handling Tactics

The course aims to:

  • Explain the concept of workplace objections, recognising their significance in professional interactions.
  • Help you identify prevalent objections encountered in various workplace scenarios.
  • Define and appreciate the significance of addressing "last stage objections" in project completion and decision-making processes.
  • Provide specialised techniques for effectively managing objections that arise late in projects or key decision points.
  • Reflect on the pivotal role of self-confidence in handling objections with professionalism and poise.
  • Offer a range of strategies to enhance your ability to handle objections constructively in the workplace.

  • Real-world workplace scenarios where objections arise organically to apply your knowledge to practical situations and make informed decisions on handling objections effectively.
  • Interactive screens that encourage active learning to deepen your understanding of objection handling.
  • Hands-on activities that challenge your understanding of key concepts, allowing you to practise your objection-handling skills.
  • Short and illustrative examples to clarify concepts and demonstrate effective objection-handling strategies.
  • Post-assessment to test your mastery of objection handling and identify areas for improvement.

Enroll today and embark on your journey to becoming a skilled objection handler in the professional world.

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